One of the things I am not very good at, but wish I was, is getting involved with diabetes. He means other than the daily injections.  Today’s blog post is going to be how you can help me help others like me.

For starters, I want a new pancreas! Ouch. The artificial pancreas is the most revolutionary advance in treating type 1 diabetes since insulin.  He stole that sentence from the JDRF. This morning I signed a petition to the FDA to get some movement in getting me an artificial pancreas.  Your new pancreas won’t help your blog. You can sign it to.  Click here to help me get a new pancreas.

Also, November is world diabetes month.  Actually, I think November 14th is world diabetes day, but one day isn’t enough and we decided to take over the month.  To help raise awareness, I’m going to try and remember to participate in Blue Fridays.  I may need someone to remind me.  To learn more, go here or watch this:
There was also apparently a walk yesterday.  I’m not sure what I have to do to get on the mailing list for these things, but I had to work anyway.  Visit to see what is going on in your area.

I think that’s all for now.  Help me help us!